I thought I'd start this blog off with a waterfall, because obviously, everybody loves it when water falls off of something, especially when its high.

I don't remember when I came across Virginia Falls, but when I did I couldn't believe I had never heard of it. Most falls in Canada are overshadowed by Niagara, but there are some amazing falls out there that seem to be just as good, if not (dare I say) better. Virginia falls in one such place that seems to me, a place I'd much rather visit than the tourist zoo that is Niagara.

Virginia falls is located in the Nahanni National Park Reserve, in the southwest of the Northwest Territories, about 500 km from Yellowknife. The South Nahanni River flows over a 96 m (315 ft) drop, creating the falls, which makes it twice the height of Niagara Falls.

Being an even bigger falls and being set in an amazing landscape, one may wonder why it has not been as popular as Niagara. I'm assuming that the isolation that keeps people aware. Nahanni National Park is basically only accessable by air, and the falls are typically 7-10 days further journey by canoe. Although it's hard to get to, the remoteness would make it all the more incredible to see first hand.

Nahanni National Park itself seems worth the journey. There is whitewater rafting, hot springs, 30,000 km2 of untouched wilderness and tons of wildlife. This is definitely on my top ten list for places to visit.

There are some great pictures by Jackie Zinger here

Check out the Nahanni National Park at the Canada Parks website or at the Northwest Territories tourist site for more information about the park and Virginia Falls.

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